Replace tinymce-rails-imageupload

I maintain a number of Ruby on Rails projects that contain the great tinymce-rails-imageupload gem. Unfortunately the owner has archived the repository and is no longer maintaining it. This was keeping my projects on the rather old TinyMCE version 4. Last week I’ve invested some time in search of a solution and I found a good one that does not rely on external dependencies!

Start by removing tinymce-rails-imageupload from your Gemfile and upgrading tinymce-rails to version 6.1. Make sure you upgrade your tinymce.yml file with the renamed 6.1 plugins and options before you continue. Test whether TinyMCE still works without the image uploads.

Now replace the uploadimage toolbar button with image and the uploadimage plugin with image in your tinymce.yml configuration file and add these two options:

  images_upload_url: '/tinymce_assets' # for automatic_uploads
  images_upload_credentials: true # sends session information with the upload

To avoid some confusion this is the minimum viable tinymce.yml configuration file:

    - image
    - image
  images_upload_url: '/tinymce_assets' # for automatic_uploads
  images_upload_credentials: true # sends session information with the upload

Note that /tinymce_assets was the default endpoint for tinymce-rails-imageupload POST requests. That controller action will need a small modification as well. The previous situation was probably something like this:

render json: {
  image: {
    url: the_url_of_the_upload_here
}, content_type: 'text/html'

Replace it with a different JSON object and a normal content type:

render json: { location: the_url_of_the_upload_here }

That’s it, you should now have a nice image upload tab when you click the image button on the toolbar. As a bonus TinyMCE now also supports dragging an image into the editor which will use this endpoint to store it on the server!

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